New Pacifica Varieties

Question: How have the Pacificas become so popular in the western horticultural trade? As a group, wild iris plants have serious limitations that can discourage all but the more devoted (or lucky) gardeners from making them part of their landscape design.

Answer: Hybrids! Hybridizers are part artist, part craftsmen, with living systems as their canvas, palette and materials. By thoughtful crossings from parents with desirable features, they work to develop offspring ready to fill the landscaper's needs.

Occasionally, an unusual iris species plant becomes a gardening favorite, like the Douglas iris strains "Canyon Snow", or "Mendocino Banner" (below). But most successful strains are hybrids. Here is a sample of the nearly one thousand new Pacifica varieties that have been named, introduced and registered during the past few decades.

Cache Creek
Cache Creek, Rigby 1993
Mendocino Banner
Mendocino Banner, Grant 1993
Claremont Blue
Claremont Blue, Lenz 1979
Mar Monte
Mar Monte, Ghio 1992
Shamrock Bay
Shamrock Bay, Wood 1990
Wild Time
Wild Time, Ghio 1986
Gold Dusted
Gold Dusted, Jenkins 1990
Califancy, Hager 1988
Junipero, Ghio 1988
Xewe, Ghio, 1995